Past Events -South Asia Women in Energy


Creating Platforms for Dialogues that Matters

SAWIE has been organizing several events bringing together the best minds for constructive dialogues and interactions

Demystifying the Gender, Energy and Environment Nexus – a webinar to mark World Environment Day 2022

South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE), in partnership with United States Agency for International Development and South Asia Regional Energy Hub (SAREH), hosted “Demystifying the Gender, Energy and Environment Nexus” 

10 Jun, 2022

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
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SAWIE Mentorship Series: How to be relevant in the industry?

In today’s day and age, employers have higher expectations of their employees, than they did in the past. Transformation isn’t a choice anymore for enterprises and there’s constant evolution of almost every sector across the board, with adaption of modern innovative solutions.

27 May, 2022

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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SAWIE Mentorship Series: Leadership Ambition Gap

Key highlights from the session:
Gender and aspirations for leadership,Gendered beliefs and expectations,Gender and leadership,

31 Mar, 2022

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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Women’s Day Campaign 2022

Developed by South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP), in collaboration with South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE) and South Asia Regional Energy Hub (SAREH)

08 Mar, 2022

 - 18 Mar, 2022

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SAWIE Mentorship Series: What it Takes to be a Leader in the Real World

The session took a deep dive into understanding what it takes to be an effective leader in the real world. Dr. Jain also shared insights from her journey and engaged with the cohort on better mapping career paths.

25 Feb, 2022

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
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SAWIE Mentorship Series: How to Get Your Voice Heard

In the framework of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE) partnered with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) …

17 Dec, 2021

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
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SAWIE and the Gender and Energy Compact Coalition at COP26

In the framework of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE) partnered with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) …

12 Nov, 2021

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
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SAWIE Mentorship Series: The Journey of an Entrepreneur

One of the key ways to improve women’s participation in leadership roles is to support women in their entrepreneurial …

28 Oct, 2021

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
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SAWIE partnered with d.light, Clean Energy Access Network (CLEAN) and GOGLA to organise a webinar on the ‘Application of Off-Grid Solar Technology’

India has a high percentage of the population living in rural and underdeveloped …

08 Oct, 2021

10:00 am - 12:30 pm
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SAWIE Mentorship Series: The Subtle Art of Leading Teams

Being an experienced professional, with a demonstrated history of working in the management…

30 Sep, 2021

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
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“Energy Action Days” of the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy

UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced that he will convene the UN High-level…

24 Sep, 2021

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Role of Women’s Leadership in Advancing the Global Clean Energy Transition

In the run up to the U.S-India Strategic Clean Energy Partnership Ministerial and furthering the…

27 Aug, 2021

7:30 pm
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SAWIE Mentorship Series: Addressing Unconscious Bias, with Conscious Action

Across the globe, unconscious bias is known to affect workplaces and organizations, given…

09 Aug, 2021

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
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SAWIE on World Environment Day – Ecosystem Restoration in the world of Responsible Hospitality by Tamara Leisure Experience

On the World Environment Day 2021, Tamara Leisure Experiences hosted its first-ever webinar on “Ecosystem Restoration…

05 Jun, 2021

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South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE) Leadership Summit

South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE), hosted its first Leadership Summit on April 6, 2021, in a virtual format…

06 Apr, 2021

5:45 pm
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SAWIE Mentorship Series: Navigating through the Corporate Matrix in the Post-Pandemic Era

All over the world, companies are being challenged by the COVID-19 crisis to find new ways to serve their customers…

17 Mar, 2021

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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SAWIE Mentorship Series: Environmental, Social and Cultural Governance towards Business Growth

We wrapped up our first session of the SAWIE Mentorship Series on Environmental, Social and Cultural…

03 Mar, 2021

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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Plenary: Towards an Enabling Global Environment: Accelerating Women Leadership and Empowerment

Welcome Remarks: Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General, TERI…

12 Feb, 2021

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Women on the rise: Prioritizing gender equity as a business imperative

Session I: Diversity & Inclusion: Gender Equity as a Business Imperative…

11 Feb, 2021

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SAWIE’s Role in VEF Call to Action to empower Women and Youth to accelerate the Clean Energy Transition

On 12 and 13 January 2021, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in collaboration with…

12 Jan, 2021

 - 13 Jan, 2021

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Role of Gender in International Energy Agreements

On the side-lines of the U.S. India Strategic Energy Partnership (SEP), USAID is pleased to host a…

15 Jul, 2020

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF) Side Event on ‘Delivering Equality: Utility Experience in Making Change to Achieve Gender Equality and promote Women in Leadership’

On June 17, 2020, SAWIE along with USAID hosted and moderated a webinar at a side event during…

17 Jun, 2020

5:30 pm
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The Participation of Women in India’s successful transition to renewable energy can be accelerated by…

20 May, 2020

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SAWIE Webinar on Best Practice in Clean Cooking Across South Asia

Women play a pivotal role in household cooking sector in the South Asia region. Particularly, in India,…

15 May, 2020

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SAWIE Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) Virtual Round Table

The energy sector remains one of the most gender imbalanced and gender equity holds a greater challenge in India’s energy sector. Women comprise less than 6 percent of technical staff and less than 1 percent of top managers. As per a study conducted by IEA – ‘Women working in the rooftop solar sector’ (2019), women account for an estimated 11% of the workforce in the rooftop solar sector in India,

13 May, 2020

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Dialogue on Gender Equality Challenges and Opportunities across the Power Sector in India

The energy sector remains one of the most gender imbalanced sectors and gender equity still holds a greater challenge in the India’s power sector. The skewed women participation can partly be attributed to the social and perception barriers about dominance of field-based activities, geographical mobility and shift-based working,

02 Sep, 2019

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First Brainstorming Meeting on South Asian Women in Energy (SAWIE)

U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) /Industry Advisory Council (IAC) supported under…

29 Jul, 2019

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SAWIE Session at Conference on “Women in Renewable Energy and Sustainability”

SAWIE Session at Conference on “Women in Renewable Energy and Sustainability”…

01 Jan, 1970

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